Friday, November 12, 2010

To the Owner of the White Prius Stopped Twenty Feet Behind the Light

I know that your situational awareness only extends so far. I know you're in the left turn lane, and that other left-turners have a tendency to cut the corner, and that your used Prius--super-awesome as it is--has plexiglass bumpers and maybe you've had a bad experience or something, but there's a sensor. A sensor up by the line. The line between 15 and 17 feet in front of your car. And if you don't pull up you won't register the sensor. If you don't pull up, the sensor will just sit there not sensing. That's why we didn't get a green arrow on the last cycle. That's why we're still not getting one now. That's why I'm somewhere around 3 centimeters behind your bumper. That's why my window is down and I'm waving my hand with increasing vigor. Because if you do not ease forward as far as your overwhelming timidity will allow WE WILL NEVER FUCKING GET A GREEN ARROW. And I have things to do before Judgement Day and trumpet's sound. Learn to drive.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Bruce. I just joined as a follower of your blog (aka shown as simplicitybegins). I look forward to reading... AND congratulations on your marriage. May you and Liz be very happy for a long, long time! Barb (Wolber) Ball
